Sunday, December 23, 2012

tugas tipografi (type as image)

ini-nih akal-akalan ku biar ngak ribet ngerjain tuga kulia tipografi (type as image), yaa... berubung lagi males mikir yang ribet2 jadi seperti ini saja lah mengerjakannya.

  1.  masukan objek yang ingin di gunakan, lalu trace ulang ganbarnya mengunakan pen tool atau kalau pakek gambar seperti saya bisa pakek auto trace 
2. setelah itu kita mulai mentrace dengan type kita. saya mulai dari bagian kaki atas hinga membentuk kata
 catatan: anda bisa tak menghiraukan garis tepi dari objeck karna nanti kita bisa mengunakan fasilitas shaping.

1. oke pertama tama kita aktifkan huruf W lalu tekan shift klik objek renang. lalu pilih menu intersect
 2. lalu klik bagian terluar dari huruf W lalu tekan deleth
 3. dan inilah hasilnya

Monday, October 29, 2012

Monkey, The Untold Stories by David Tan Kayogi

inilah kisa sang agen rahasia dari kingdom animalia yang bertugas untuk menyamar dan mencari informasi tentang kelemahan umat manusia agar suatuhari nanti para bangsa primates bisa mendominasi dunia. dia harus berjuang di tengah-tengah kehidupan manusia demi mengemban tugas demi kejayaan bangsanya kelak meski harus menyamar dan berpura-pura di hadapan para musuhnya.

si agen BUDENG 7,0,0
dan inilah sedikit tentang si Budeng ini:
sekarang sih Budeng ini sudah semester 3 di ITS (Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember)

 yaaa... beginilah budeng si monyet hitam yang ngaku-ngaku sebagai agen rahasia. "tapi kok ngak yakin yaaa? apa lagi kalau liat kelucuan-kelucuan keseharian si Budeng ini, penasaran seperti apasih kekonyolan si budeng ini dalam mengemban tugas"

Eits si budeng ini selain sibuk menjalani aktifitas hariannya sebagai mata-mata dan mahasiswa ternyata dia punya wajah lain loh… yok kita liat si budeng dilain kostumnya :p

Saturday, October 20, 2012

30+ Pictures to Showcase Life Through Different Color


When we talk about colors, it reminds me of dogs, they cannot feel the beauty of colors. Every thing is like a black & white film for them. We can see the whole spectrum of colors while dogs only see black, gray and white. This seems to be one of the major gifts from god to human beings. As colors create huge difference in the ordinary things, that a black and white picture can never reveal. Several emotions can be attached to the colors and the pictures taken in different hues.


Red comes in mind at first, while talking about colors on the palette. Red color can bring you different emotions like love, aggression, passion, negativity, heat, lust, blood, beauty, fire, courage and many more.
BestPSDtoHTML-Life through different colors-spring time
BestPSDtoHTML-Life through different colors-red mosque
BestPSDtoHTML-Life through different colors-red leaves
BestPSDtoHTML-Life through different colors-red lanterns for celebration
BestPSDtoHTML-Life through different colors-complementing red apple


Orange color radiate warmth and controversy. Neither it reflects ‘love’ nor it indicates ‘hatred’. It is a close relative of red and sometimes give a broad appeal in the case of depth.
BestPSDtoHTML-Life through different colors-sunset at lake
BestPSDtoHTML-Life through different colors-orange color photigraphy
BestPSDtoHTML-Life through different colors-setting sun
BestPSDtoHTML-Life through different colors-girl in sunlight
BestPSDtoHTML-Life through different colors-cute cupcakes
BestPSDtoHTML-Life through different colors-birds rosing


This color indicates spark, creativity, happiness and optimism. When it comes to environment, it reminds of past memory and activates conversation.
BestPSDtoHTML-Life through different colors-yellow snake
BestPSDtoHTML-Life through different colors-yellow roses
BestPSDtoHTML-Life through different colors-staircase silhouette
BestPSDtoHTML-Life through different colors-sunflower
BestPSDtoHTML-Life through different colors-mellow yellow


We can say it as one of the most favorite colors of people after blue color. It reminds of nature, pease, integrity, etc. Green is the most visible color in the spectrum having major part in terms of area.
BestPSDtoHTML-Life through different colors-beautiful nature
BestPSDtoHTML-Life through different colors-frogs
BestPSDtoHTML-Life through different colors-nature
BestPSDtoHTML-Life through different colors-green apples
BestPSDtoHTML-Life through different colors-french beans


Favorite among men, as it gives cooling effect physically and mentally both. Sometimes it may give dramatic effect to the scene. Otherwise blue color represents calming nature, dependence, Commitment and trust.
BestPSDtoHTML-Life through different colors-snowy blue
BestPSDtoHTML-Life through different colors-blue baloon
BestPSDtoHTML-Life through different colors-blue ocean
BestPSDtoHTML-Life through different colors-Lavender is the new blue
BestPSDtoHTML-Life through different colors-blue threads


Favorite color among adolescent girls, reflects creativity, royal and mystic quality. Purple is made up of the mixture of red and blue. At times, it may indicate restlessness.
BestPSDtoHTML-Life through different colors-purple cauliflower
BestPSDtoHTML-Life through different colors-bridge
BestPSDtoHTML-Life through different colors-purple crocuses
BestPSDtoHTML-Life through different colors-Purple haze
BestPSDtoHTML-Life through different colors-nature blushing
Images credit: Life in colors